Juan Eiraldi
Juan Eiraldi, better known as Juano, is a Professional guitarist, Session Musician and Producer from Uruguay, South America. Starting to study music when he was 12 years old, he shared the stage with many renown bands and artist back in his Country, and is recognized by his peers as an impressive Guitarist and showman. Constantly playing live in clubs all around the city, and recording tracks, videos and tutorials for his Youtube channel, this 2016 is the year when the debut albums of his two bands, Under Road (Progressive Metal/Rock) and Silver River (Progressive Rock), are going to be released. Juano is a signed artist for Laney Amplification and Max Control Systems.
2 Laney IRT Studio amp heads, Laney gs2x12 cab with celestion v30's, Max Control FCX18 Midi Foot
Controller, Max Control ASX8 audio loop switcher, Max Control Amp controller, various effects deals including Morley, Mxr, boss, line6, all controlled with the max control system (including both amp heads and channels). Guitars: 2 PRS custom 24 30th anniversary with Seymour Duncan Nazgul - Sentient Set. My current guitars besides that are an Ibanez RG927qm with dimarzio illuminators, Yamaha Pacifica 102s, and a Fernandes 90's strat with Seymou Duncan JB - Jazz set, wilkinson vs100n tremolo, fender locking tuners and graph tech black TUSQ XL nut.
"I love all of [Graph Tech products]! I trust and respect a company that is all about innovation. The quality of the products is outstanding and addresses many issues we guitarist have, while improving the tone! They're a must-have." - Juan Eiraldi