Kevin kane
Kevin Kane is a Canadian solo artist, releasing four albums of his own, as well as several albums with the still-active, platinum-selling legacy bands The Grapes of Wrath (founding member, since 1983) and The Northern Pikes (current member, since 2017).
Godin Summit HT and PRS SE DGT, both equipped with GHOST bridge pickup systems, through a Boss GT1000 CORE
2 Telecasters equipped with TUSQ nuts and saddles
Gibson SG equipped with TUSQ nuts and saddles
Gibson arch top equipped with a ResoMax Harmonic Bridge System
Larivee L-10 acoustic equipped with TUSQ nuts and saddles
"The GHOST is absolutely integral to what I do; I can produce electric and acoustic guitar sounds as well as keyboard pads all from one instrument, separately or in combination, negating the need for an extra person onstage. The idea of gigging with a non-GHOST guitar seems pretty unthinkable to me now."
"I've been using TUSQ nuts and saddles for years - long before I became and endorsee. I recently put a ResoMac Bridge on my Bigsby equipped Gibson arch top: tuning stability improved noticeably while the tone became smoother and lost some of the 'ping' on the attack."