Nick Row
Nich Row is a 1991 born bass player in the German metal bands Methods Of Massacre and DieTone. He started playing bass in 2007 with Bloody Märy changed to his new band DieTone and became the new bassist in Methods Of Massacre in 2015. Methods Of Massacre have yet released two albums: "Perverted To Perfection" (2011) and "Retaliation" (2014). "Perverted To Perfection" was presented as the "demo of the month" in the German METAL HAMMER magazine. In the last years Methods Of Massacre had performed all over Northern Germany and been touring internationally lately while DieTone became one of the new and aspiring regional metal acts.
Nick is also proud to endorse Schecter Guitar Research and Pyramid Strings.
For more information on his bands visit these websites:
Nick uses the following instruments in Methods Of Massacre and DieTone:
Bass guitars:
Schecter Stiletto Studio-5 (2013)
Schecter Stiletto Session-5 (2014)
Johnson P-Bass (2007)
Cort Action V (2008)
Amplification and rig:
Line6 POD xt Pro
Crown XLS 2500
Darkglass Microtubes B7K
Ashdown MAG 410 & MAG 115
"GraphTech components are on top of the available gear for bass guitars. Nothing should stop you from trying them out and using them on stage or in studio." - Nick Row