No guitarist captures the heart of an audience quite like world-class guitarist Scott Szeryk. There’s a good reason why the London, Ontario, Canada-based artist stands out amongst the pack. Sure, his music brings listeners to a different dimension, thanks to its powerful, perfected sound which takes an audience on an all-encompassing journey of emotions. But Scott Szeryk plays guitar with the same passion as he lives his life: every chord comes alive as if it were Szeryk’s very last. One listen to his dynamic sound, ranging from classical to rock – but definitely dominated by metal rock – and you quickly realize this is a world-class sound rarely heard anywhere. As a music producer, engineer, studio session player, and even hired gun for live performances Scott's strength is versatility.
Yamaha Weddington equipped with a the ghost Modular Pickup System
Fender Stratocaster equipped with String Saver saddles
Yamaha Pacifica 1412 equipped with a ghost Modular Pickup System and ghost Floyd Rose saddles
Blueridge BR 160 with a TUSQ nut, saddle and bridge pins
The Hexpander MIDI Interface, and Acousti-Phonic Pre-Amp are just out of this world. They have allowed me to take my favorite guitar and take it to the highest level in terms of what is available on the tonal palate. In conjunction with the Axon AX 100 the synth sounds are so realistic that I got hired full time with a local country band to replace their keyboard player, I also use it on all of my solo projects live and in the studio."-Scott Szeryk