Xander Demos
Xander Demos is a well known shredder from Pittsburgh, PA who has played with numerous metal acts and is also known and respected as a session player and instructor. Xander is currently working on his debut instrumental CD “Guitarcadia” due out at the end of 2008.
Bernie Rico Jr. guitar that will use the ghost LB63
"The GraphTech LB63 is the item I have been wanting for a long time. I play many Floyd Rose equipped guitars and the ability to change over to a bridge like this and have the flexibility is such a blessing. I have had several guitars in the past that have been able to do piezo sounds and such but this is the product that delivers tenfold so if I want to put a snyth in or anything like that, I can do so. I have used GraphTech-equipped bridges as well in the studio and they are superior to everything else out there. I will be retro-fitting every Floyd Rose guitar I own with the new LB63!"