Bring your guitar tech to the front of the show room!
It's simple to do, and amazingly profitable!
Just have your guitar tech, or a knowledgeable sales staff member fill out the "SuperCharge Your Guitar" card with all the applicable Graph Tech upgrades for that guitar with your current GT inventory.
Just fill out the cards and place it on the guitars you want to move.
Your customers can easily see what the upgrades will do, (better tuning, stop breaking strings, increase harmonics) and the cost to get it done before they take their new purchase home.
It makes for a great way for your sales staff to start a conversation a guitar your customer is interested in.... and makes closing deal fast and easy by offering a "all in" discount.
Turn that $600.00 guitar sale into a $800.00 or more high margin sale and keep your guitar tech busy and engaged with the sale staff.