String Trees That WORK!
We will change the way you play

We will change the way you play

We will change the way you play

Optimized String Angle
Graph Tech pays close attention to the angle at which the strings pass over the nut and the angle the string enters and exists the string tree. Optimizing the string angle maintains proper tension and improves the overall sustain and tone of the guitar. The goal is to keep the correct tension on the nut while reducing friction and sticking at the string tree to enhance tone and tuning stability.
Enhanced Resonance and Sustain
Graph Tech string trees are designed with the goal of improving tuning stability and at the same time, coupling string vibration and resonance. By using TUSQ XL, which stiffness and elasticity is unmatched in transfer of vibrations from the strings to the guitar body and a one-piece design, it locked in-sync with the guitar without twisting or moving. This small component makes a big difference in overall performance and responsiveness of your guitar.
Permanently Lubricated TUSQ XL
Graph Tech string trees are made with TUSQ XL or Black TUSQ XL and are permanently lubricated. Combined with design of the string ramps design (you can see them if you turn it upside down) they reduces friction between the strings and the tree, allowing the strings to glide back to position while bending, tremming or tuning. A little component with a lot of thought went into this design.
Rock Solid Stability
The design of Graph Tech string trees is engineered to minimize friction between the strings and the tree plus provide the correct downward pressure on the nut for optimal tone. Each string tree base can be sanded in height to your custom height. It's one-piece design ensures a rock-solid connection to the neck and will not twist or interfere with the strings sole goal of getting back to where it started. Smooth tuning and tuning stability.